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Towards a Spanish Civil War and Francoist Repression Digital Research Infrastructure



Spend 30 minutes with your group to discuss the following questions. Record your answers—via pen and paper, Google Docs, and/or your preferred mind mapping software—in order to present and discuss with the broader group (at the “Sala de Actos,” UAB).


  • What are your favorite examples of existing digital portals and research infrastructures? What do you like about these examples and how might they provide us with a model?


  • What should our primary objectives be moving forward as a working group? What steps can we take to achieve these goals?


  • How do we collect, process, and present digital memory? What steps can we take to disseminate our projects so that they reach the intended community, public, and academic audiences? Are there elements of these projects that can be put into productive conversation with each other? If so, what frameworks and infrastructures can we use?


  • What steps can we take to preserve digital collections and make them discoverable and interoperable? Are there steps we can take to enhance our collections through community knowledge and scholarly participation?


  • What steps can we take to promote data discoverability, interoperability, and reuse?  Are there professional, legal, and ethical barriers that constrain this type of work?



Group I (led by Wendy Kurtz, UCLA and Victor Aparicio, CEDID). Participation options: Teams. Main languages: English and Spanish.


Group 2: (led by Andrea Davis, Arkansas State University). Participation options: in person. Main languages: English. Place: Meeting room, Contemporary History Department, UAB.



Group 3: (led by Ana-María Alarcón-Jiménez, CEDID).  Participation options: in person. Main languages: Catalan and Spanish. Place: Meeting room Sala de Actos.

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